How to Read a Birth Chart?(2)

The natural zodiac starts with the sign Aries, which is happening on the Spring Equinox, when the sun ingresses into the sign of Aries on March 21st, usually, and then we start the new astrological year. So the natural wheel would look like that, with Aries here on the ascendant. One more thing, you’ll have to learn the astrology language. So astrology is made of symbols.

The natural zodiac starts with an Aries on the ascendant, then we have Taurus, the ruler of the second house, and we have Gemini, the ruler of the third house, and we have Cancer, the ruler of the fourth house, and we have Leo, the ruler of the fifth house. And then we have Virgo, we have Libra, we have Scorpio, we have Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Those are the natural rulers of the natural zodiac. But when you were born, your chart looked completely different, or maybe you had the same arrangement, but you couldn’t; most of the people have different arrangements, and their ascendance starts with the constellation that was rising up at the time of your birth at the place of your breath. So you may have Capricorn on your ascendant, or Sagittarius, or you may have Pisces on your ascendant. So according to that arrangement, according to your ascendant, the rest of the signs will follow in consecutive order. Again, let’s do that.

Let’s say that the time of your birth, uh, you had Scorpio in your ascendant. So the next sign would be Sagittarius, and the next time on your third house would be Capricorn, and the next time would be Aquarius. So the chart will change according to your specific birth time and place. This is really important to know because the ascendant will be one of the main characters that will define you and who you are.

I hope you got that. let’s move on.

In astrology, we take into consideration 10 major planets, and those planets are the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. These are the main 10 planets that we take into consideration. Each one of those has a certain energy and a certain vibration and a certain purpose to it. Each one of those will be placed somewhere in your birth chart. You need to learn those planets; it’s part of the astrological language, and those are the main players of the astrology chart because each one of those represents a part of you; you are saying “I am,” but I am you are is a conglomerator of different parts. You are actually built from many different fragments that serve many different purposes, many different functions, and processes in your being. So each one of those represents part of your being, and they’re all very important. However, the Sun is the most important part in our chart because we all come to become our Sun. So let’s learn that language really quick; however, I will post a picture on this video so you can learn it more, and I highly recommend that you research each and every planet and learn its main keywords and functions.

The Sun is your purpose; you become that. This is your identity. The Moon is your emotions. Mercury is ruling your communication. Venus is about relatedness; how you relate. Mars is about action; how you take action. Jupiter is how you expand and grow. Saturn is how you create concrete results in reality. Uranus is the Agent of Change, shifting us from one state to another. Neptune is our capability to tap into all there is in our imagination. And Pluto is the agent of transformation. All those planets would be somewhere in your chart, and each and every one of you would have a very unique chart to yourself. So let’s place those planets somewhere in this particular chart and see how to read a chart.

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